Venus on the ascendant

If your Venus is in the 12th house and conjunct the Ascendant like me… … people often tell you that you’re cute and sweet. You may have rounded, baby-like features, such as big round eyes, a soft jaw, a small nose, smooth sensitive skin, a curvy feminine build. You may look younger than your age. […]

If your Venus is in the 12th house and conjunct the Ascendant like me…

… people often tell you that you’re cute and sweet. You may have rounded, baby-like features, such as big round eyes, a soft jaw, a small nose, smooth sensitive skin, a curvy feminine build. You may look younger than your age. Your curves may not fit the definition of contemporary beauty, which is all about straight lines, thinness, length, and angles. The word ‘beautiful’, ironically, may not apply to you.

… you are more charming and graceful than you think. You may not see that in the mirror, and your photos don’t really show your best side. You may hate being in photos. In fact, you may only look good in selfies – the ones you take yourself, alone – and not in the photos others take of you. Others don’t seem to know how to take a good photo of you.

… due to the importance our society assigns to good personal photos, you may struggle with the shame of looking hideous in photos. After a while, you may realize that the best photos of you need a lot of shade. Bright light does not do you justice – in fact, it shows too much. You’d look much better in dark corners, contrast, and indirect lighting.

… you know exactly what you love and do not love. You just know instinctively – you often do not need to try something out to determine if you’d like it or not. You may still try, for curiosity’s sake, but it likely won’t change your mind.

… you may find yourself the only person who loves such things. Fellow enthusiasts can be found online, living far away, even speaking different languages, but rarely face to face. And maybe you’d prefer that way too.

… you thrive in relationships that make you feel good about yourself. You would consider leaving a relationship when it has turned you into someone you don’t like. This doesn’t mean the relationship is bad or toxic; neither does it make you unhappy. It just means you no longer like that version of yourself, and you want to move on.

… you find it easy to lose a relationship. Many people pass by your life as temporary companions, however compatible they are to you, or how happy you are with them. Very few actually stay or keep in touch for long. The farewells are often amicable and happen due to external reasons that are out of your hands. It is really no-one’s fault. People change; you change; life moves on.

… do you really hate anyone? You may have visceral reactions to immediate negative energy from others, and you may determine right there and then that you hate them. But do you? Weeks pass, and your hatred fade. You notice their light and dark sides. You may even forgive them. You need reminders of how bad they are for you. You need to learn what to say yes to, and what to say no. You cannot say yes all the time.

… maturity means learning to set boundaries firmly, free of guilt. Even though you know you deserve better, you would rather cry in quiet than asserting your worth. You hope others would see your worth and tell you about it. Most of them won’t. So you need to learn to communicate your values, and assert them, for your own sake.

… your relationships benefit from you being alone. That may sound ironic, but you need alone time to rekindle your closet relationship. You need the space to cleanse your emotional slate, to renew your bond with yourself and with the divine. Then, and only then, can you truly dedicate yourself to your closest relationships. So, 12th-house Venus, do you resonate with my observations?

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